Saturday, June 02, 2007

France ..The few good exp. of me
I have landed here at Charles de Gaulle Airport ,Paris and there it comes language problem has already started. I went to a recption kinda desk just at the "Sortie" and i have been continously asking many questions to the lady over there and suddenly her expression has changed , and then i remembered that am in a stupid nation where people doesn`t speak english . After that i just said " anglais " ...pronounced as laa-ngle ..then she advised me to shift over to a side-by counter...i was very much amused on seeing some different kind of looks on her face (probably she might be scanning me ).After that finally i have managed to enquire about the TGV station at CDG. I have bought a ticket from CDG to Gare Part-Dieu for 42 euros (this is infact huge amount :) ) and then proceeded to the platform along with my heavy bag and the large back-pack. The first thing i did in the airport is to search for some daaru , so that i can enjoy myself in the train but i dint get any time to go to the appropriate shop to buy one :( . Then after boarding the train , i was lucky enough to get a seat beside an innocently looking female !!. She is almost silent for the first half an hour . I was impatient and thought that it aould be better to initiate some discussion , but didnt get a chance at that very instant. She is calmly solving the Mots fletch( French Crossword) in a local newspaper. Then below i could see an empty Sudoku . Ahh now i got a reason to speak something. I have started to enquire about her . She can barely speak english but she used to think a lot before framing one english sentence :) . From then on our discussion was very peaceful and it was on varied issues.After some time, I have grabbed the newspaper from her and started solving sudoku. I told her to remind me when the train stops in Lyon. Then i got down at part-dieu and we walked all the way to TOTEM, the place i am staying right now.
Then on the days became usual and the prof, Dr. Fabrice Marchal is an excellent person to work with. We used to have lunch and dinner together almost daily. I was always interested and got amused with his qoutes. For ex, i state some below :).
* " Several years before when a researcher used to propose a problem and he solves it using some mathematical techniques he wasnt aware of the practical problems that might be encountered, but when i solve those practical problems using the much developed technology and taking advantage of the programming resources , they say that am not doing research and am simply making one more application of already done research"
*"I am a budding computer scientist and i wander on the boundaries of computer science and transportation engineering . This is the reason why journal editors make my life difficult in getting publications even though am in some editorial boards :P"
*" i cannot get local french people to work under me because they are always fascinated to go abroad , so they really dont listen to the local system :)"
* " I was not born in france and that makes me happy because french are generally stupid :)"
* " I know vamsi that the things i say now are infact some propositions for our future collabaration and that they are very far away , but since we both dont have ne work to do sitting idly in a restaurant its better to discuss about our future prospects"
*" If i pay you less CNRS asks ahy are you paying very less amonuts , if i pay you more then also they will ask the reason. I simply dont understand the people here :)"
Like this there are so many i could qoute only a few which i remember exactly . I will share more of my actual experiences with all you people when i get sufficient time. I have written this post very arbitrarily without any plan in mind. Anyway good luck :).


Anonymous said...

Nice experiences, man!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dude !! I simply wonder how could you remember all those quotes of your professor so exactly... Anyways Gud post...